Although the past few months may have seen the wedding scene grind to a bit of a halt, nonetheless, 2020 has brought with it some stunning new wedding trends that we’ve been delighted to see.


A few on the list might not come as much of a surprise (eco-friendly practices have been at the forefront of everyone’s minds over the past few years), but we’ve been happily surprised by a few of the more simply old-school romantic additions to a trendy modern wedding. 


So, for those of you who are eagerly awaiting your upcoming wedding (ready for when everything goes back to normal), we’ve created a list of our top 6 favorite wedding trends that have reached the center stage during 2020. 


  • Eco-friendly – the environment has been the hot topic of recent years, and eco-friendly decor and dining options have finally reached weddings too. Sustainability for weddings includes seasonal flowers, no more single-use plastics and environmental decorations in the form of luscious, natural greenery. 
  • Funky lighting – shining a sophisticated light on modern weddings, making a creative feature piece out of your light fixtures is a gorgeous effect that has taken modern weddings by storm. 
  • Bold color picks – white is gorgeous, and it certainly has its place in a wedding, but 2020 is all about doing things your way. So fashionable wedding decors are increasingly accommodating bright, alternative colors that suit the couple and their signature style perfectly. 
  • Establishing a lighthearted tone for the day – it might sound strange, but one thing that’s been particularly popular lately is taking a slightly more informal approach to the day, with weddings focusing on keeping things warm, friendly and fun.  
  • Interactive entertainment – this ties in nicely with the point above, but interactive entertainment has been super popular over the past few months. It’s easy to see why – getting the guests up on their feet and engaging in the entertainment together makes for a fantastic evening that’s full of lovely memories. 
  • Sentimentality – personal touches are all the rage lately, with the couple adding in sentimental bespoke additions to everything from the food to their favors. At Alaska Professional Entertainment, we create playlists that are completely personalized to you, ensuring that your evening’s entertainment stays true to your unique love story. 


At Alaska Professional Entertainment, our dedication to providing superb, professional entertainment has earnt us our reputation as Alaska’s very best wedding DJ and entertainment service. We take immense pride in our work, and the fantastic quality of the services that we offer to our clients. If you’d like to learn more about how we can work with you to create an unforgettable wedding for 2020, we’d love to speak to you